Communications Coaching

Not surprisingly, the importance of interpersonal communications comes into most of the work we do. Leaders will often approach us with communications challenges as their jobs become more complex and high profile. Our goal here is to help you enhance your skills as a leader communicator – in what you say, how you say it, and what you hear.


An Early Interest In Communications
Elizabeth has taken a strong interest in interpersonal communications from the start. Her Stanford University thesis focused on: a) the challenges we have in communicating our intentions, particularly when they are strong, and b) our overconfidence in the effectiveness of these communications. We walk away assuming that our audience understood what we had to say, even when they most certainly did not.

Since she did not pursue a career in academia – nor, then, the publication of her thesis – Elizabeth was surprised to suddenly see her Curse of Knowledge findings quoted widely – in the New York Times, and Harvard Business Review, for instance. As it turns out, Dr. Chip Heath and his brother Dan described one of Elizabeth thesis studies in their best-selling 2007 book ‘Made to Stick’.


Communications Coaching
Elizabeth does particularly enjoy doing this one-on-one communications coaching with leaders. Using targeted challenges, on the ground assessments, video, and confidential feedback, we work to enhance your effectiveness in communicating as a leader. We can also work with you to develop, practice and refine high profile presentations.